What is CRFTD?

CRFTD makes creating in web3 accessible. We make it easy for creators and brands to launch and manage their own digital collectibles with one end-to-end toolkit — no coding or blockchain experience required.

Creator Studio

Creator studio is our no-code solution for launching your digital collectible. From generating and uploading your art, to deploying and managing smart contracts, you can do it all from our Creator Studio portal.

Creative Utilities

Creative Utilities is made for bringing your digital collectible to life. The Creative Utilities portal enables on-chain staking and the creation of your unique ERC20 token. Plus, it allows you to establish a blockchain-powered storefront to offer on-chain rewards

What blockchain networks are supported?

As of Jun 1, 2023, we support Ethereum and Polygon networks.

How much does CRFTD cost?

Creator Studio

Creator Studio is completely free for creators. We collect fees only from the buyers. CRFTD charges a flat fee of 0.00089 ETH for each collectible that's minted. Additionally, if the mint price of the collectible exceeds 0.05 ETH, an extra 3% service fee will be applied to the buyer.

Creative Utilities

Creative Utilities is a subscription service.

Basic Plan - 0.1ETH / month

Pro Plan - 0.149 ETH / month

What wallets can connect to CRFTD?

Metamask, Coinbase Wallet and Wallet Connect

Does CRFTD provide IPFS service?

Yes. Bueno offers an "Upload to IPFS" feature that will upload all of your token assets and metadata to IPFS. We have a one-click upload option powered by NFTStorage.

Are CRFTD contracts audit?

Absolutely! We are proud to have partnered with @Web3Auditing for our contract audits. Reports can be found here.

General Web3 Stuff

What is Testnet and Goerli?

Testnet and Goerli are both types of Ethereum test networks, which are essentially "playgrounds" for developers. They are used for testing and experimentation without using real money or affecting the main Ethereum network, also known as the Mainnet.

Goerli: This is a specific type of Ethereum Testnet. It's a cross-client testnet, meaning it's compatible with different Ethereum clients (software implementations). Goerli is often used for testing before deploying on the Ethereum Mainnet because its environment closely resembles that of the Mainnet.

In summary, Goerli provides safe environments for developers to test their applications and smart contracts without risking real assets. They are essential tools in the development and deployment of blockchain applications.

How do I get Goerli ETH?

You may get some free Goerli ETH from Goerli Faucets.

Creator Studio

What types of contracts are supported?

As of Jun 1, 2023, we support deployment of ERC721-A contract types.

What files do I need to prepare for generative collection?

If you have opted to create a generative collection, you will need to prepare a folder containing subfolders representing attributes. Each attribute folder should have a series of trait files.

Can I upload a collection of 1 of 1 artworks?
How can I change an attribute name

Simply click on the attribute name to rename the attribute.

How do I change rarity of an attribute or specific trait?

Sliding the toggle below each trait changes the rarity of that specific trait.

To change the rarity of the entire attribute itself, edit the attribute and there will be a slider to change the rarity of the attribute at the bottom.

What file types are supported?

As of Jun 1, 2023, we support .png , .jpeg , .jpg files for generative collections. .gif types are supported for 1 of 1s.

What is Metadata?

NFT metadata is essentially the detailed information that describes an NFT (Non-Fungible Token). Just like how a book has a title, author, and summary on the back cover, an NFT has metadata that provides important details about it.

This metadata can include a variety of information such as:

  1. Name: The name of the NFT.

  2. Description: A detailed description of the NFT, explaining what it represents or its significance.

  3. Image: A link to the image or artwork that the NFT represents.

  4. Attributes or Traits: These are specific characteristics or properties of the NFT. For example, in a digital art piece, attributes could include the color scheme, style, or elements present in the artwork.

The metadata is stored on the blockchain and is typically in a JSON format, which is a common, machine-readable format that's easy to interact with. This metadata is crucial because it gives each NFT its unique properties and value. Without metadata, an NFT would just be an empty token with no meaning or context

What is IPFS?

IPFS, which stands for InterPlanetary File System, is a decentralized storage system that aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Unlike traditional file storage systems where files are stored in centralized servers, IPFS stores files across a network of computers in a distributed manner.

Here's why IPFS is important for NFTs:

  1. Permanence: When an NFT is created, it's crucial that the digital asset it represents is stored in a way that ensures it will always be accessible. IPFS provides this by ensuring that even if a single node (computer) goes down, the file can still be accessed from other nodes in the network.

  2. Decentralization: Just like blockchain technology, IPFS is decentralized. This means that instead of relying on a central authority, files are distributed across a network. This aligns with the ethos of NFTs and blockchain technology, which is all about decentralization and removing the need for trust in a central authority.

  3. Integrity: IPFS assigns each file a unique fingerprint called a cryptographic hash. This ensures that the content cannot be changed without altering this hash, providing a way to verify that an NFT's linked content hasn't been tampered with.

In summary, IPFS is a key technology in the NFT space because it provides a decentralized, permanent, and tamper-proof method of storing the digital assets that NFTs represent. This ensures that when you buy an NFT, the digital asset it represents will always be available and unchanged.

What is Pre-reveal?

A pre-reveal in the context of NFTs refers to the period of time when the NFTs are sold, but the specific traits or characteristics of each NFT are not yet known to the buyers. During this phase, buyers purchase the NFTs without knowing exactly what they're getting. The unique traits of each NFT, such as its appearance or attributes, are revealed at a later date, hence the term "pre-reveal".

Here's why pre-reveals are popular:

  1. Excitement and Anticipation: The suspense of not knowing what specific NFT you've bought adds an element of surprise and excitement. It's similar to opening a pack of collectible cards or a mystery box - you know you're getting something, but you don't know exactly what it is until you open it.

  2. Fairness: In some collections, certain traits or attributes might be more desirable than others. By using a pre-reveal, every buyer has an equal chance of getting a highly desirable NFT, since no one knows what they're getting until the reveal happens.

  3. Engagement: Pre-reveals can create a buzz in the community as people speculate about what traits their NFTs might have. This can lead to increased engagement and interaction within the community.

  4. Marketing Strategy: Pre-reveals can also be a clever marketing strategy. The anticipation leading up to the reveal can generate hype and attract attention to the project.

In summary, a pre-reveal is a strategy used in NFT sales that adds an element of surprise, fairness, and engagement, making the whole process more exciting for the buyers.

Why is it taking so long to upload?

We generate each artwork individually with the layers pieced together. So depending on your collection size and number of layers, this can take a moment. The progress should be shown in real time. If IPFS upload is taking longer than expected, please reach out to our support team.

What if I made a mistake on my contract?

We strongly encourage you to test your contracts thoroughly on testnet before proceeding to deploy on mainnet. If you are just trying to edit the sale phases, allowlists, pricing, collection size, or tokenURI, you will not need to re-deploy a new contract. Otherwise, you may need to re-deploy a new contract.

What if I want to reduce collection size?

Reducing collection size is common. You will be able to reduce your collection size but you will not be able to increase collection size. So please be careful when reducing your collection size because that will not be able to increase after it's been set on the contract. Reduced collection size could also mean you'd like to adjust your generative artwork to fit appropriately. Go ahead and regenerate and upload a new token set with the desired collection size and use the new token set as the source of truth for your artwork.

Creative Utilities - Staking

What happens when I stake?

When you stake your NFTs, the NFTs are transferred into a staking contract where it will earn ERC20 tokens at a rate specified by the project.

Are my NFTs safe?

Yes, staking your NFT will transfer your NFT to the staking and token contract. Don’t worry your NFTs are safe while staked.

Do I need to pay gas to stake?

Yes, you need gas to stake. The staking is on-chain, which means you need ETH to pay for the gas fees.

How long do I have to stake to get the rewards?

You will earn rewards every second your NFTs are staked, however, the daily reward rate is unique to each project.

What if my NFTs are in the hard wallet, how do I stake?

The staking process will be the same. Connect your hardware wallet, authorize and approve the staking transaction.

Can I un-stake at anytime?
How can I un-stake directly via contract?

Head over the the staking/token contract and call the unstake function directly.

What is the value of the ERC20 Token?

These tokens will act as internal utility tokens (1TOKEN = 1TOKEN) and will be the foundation of the project’s internal economy.

When I stake, I see setApprovalForAll, is that ok?

Yes, this only gives the dApp access to the specific project’s NFTs.

I imported the token to Metamask but don’t see my updated balance?

This is expected. CRFTD will calculate your balance based on when you have staked but it doesn’t reflect immediately on-chain (Metamask), because we want to save you that extra transaction to claim your tokens to save you gas.

The following are how/when claim occurs.

  1. When you go ahead and un-stake (aka, a transfer happens on your NFT) it will automatically claim your tokens on chain.

  2. When you purchase an item on the marketplace, it will then automatically claim your tokens so you can spend and claim in one transaction.

  3. Directly claim balance on the contract by navigating to the Etherscan link and calling the function claimReward .

How do I see my NFTs after I stake them?

On our staking website, you can click “Resync Metadata” which works like Refresh Metadata on OpenSea.

Creative Utilities - Marketplace

Is this the same as OpenSea or Blur?

Not at all! Think of the creative utilities - marketplace as your very own blockchain powered ecommerce store. You will be able to upload rewards and accept any valid ERC20 token as a payment method.

Why do I have to approve use of my tokens?

In the Ethereum ecosystem, when you want to interact with a decentralized application (dApp) using your tokens, the dApp needs to have an allowance to use or move your tokens on your behalf. This is a security measure implemented in the ERC-20 token standard, which most tokens on the Ethereum network follow.

The reason for this is that tokens are held in your wallet, and only you should have the ability to send or use those tokens. However, when you want to use a dApp that requires tokens (for example, a decentralized exchange that needs to swap your tokens), you need to give that dApp permission to use a certain amount of your tokens.

This permission is called an "allowance". By setting an allowance, you're telling the Ethereum network that it's okay for this particular dApp to move or use up to a certain amount of your tokens. This way, the dApp can execute the function you want (like swapping tokens), but it can't just take all of your tokens.

Are purchases occurring on-chain?

Yes, all purchases occur on-chain and your invoice should be a link to etherscan or polygonscan.

Can I raffle a reward on-chain?

Yes. You may offer a raffle product type and have members purchase "tickets". You will then be able to pick a winner on-chain for transparency and fairness.

Where can I see my previous orders and order status?

Click on your wallet button and navigate to Orders.

Last updated